Very simple means are at your disposal
The « Performance Anxiety Neuronal Elimination Process™ » (P.A.N.E.P.) and the « Holistic Pedagogical System™ » (H.P.S.)
Stage fright problem
Technical problem
The solution to these problems is very simple: just set up what I called:
- The Performance Anxiety Neuronal Elimination Process™ (P.A.N.E.P.) that will free you completely and permanently from stage fright,
- As well as the "Holistic Pedagogical System™ (H.P.S.), which will allow you to solve your instrumental or vocal technique problems, improve it and master it completely, whatever your level
Hundreds of musicians, amateurs, professionals, and also high-level concert performers, have already obtained spectacular results thanks to these procedures based on brain plasticity (a recent discovery of neuroscience) whose effectiveness has been proven and demonstrated thanks to modern techniques of functional brain imaging (EEG, scanner, MRI, PETscan, scintigraphy, etc.).
For more than 30 years, I have been providing these solutions (which have evolved over time) through courses, conferences and training seminars that I run in France and abroad*. Several hundred people have solved their problems definitively. The results are fast, undeniable and often spectacular.
The S.P.H. and the P.N.E.T., which are very simple to put into practice, will simply allow you to :
- to get rid of stage fright completely and permanently,
- to use ALL your potential,
- to push your limits to the maximum of your capacities,
- and to express yourself musically, without any barriers.
They were developed following the various professional trainings I did after my musical studies.
I am a professional musician, acupuncturist, teacher, author of several educational books and trainer.
At the age of 18, I was awarded two first prizes from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris and at the age of 20, I was awarded the Certificate of Teaching Ability, which allowed me to immediately begin my teaching profession.
Then I studied psychology, hypnosis and sophrology (graduate of the School of Hypnology and Applied Psychology in Paris), natural medicine (Heilpraktiker, graduate of the Heilpraktiker Fachschule in Saarbrücken) and Traditional Chinese Medicine : Acupuncturist (holder of the National Diploma of Traditional Acupuncturist, graduate of the National Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Institute of Chinese Acupuncture of Hong Kong and the New Medicine Institute of Hong Kong). I have also practiced Yoga, Martial Arts (Aikido), Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kong...
And each time I acquired new knowledge, I was always concerned to adapt it to instrumental playing and pedagogy. This is how I conceived the H.P.S. and the P.A.N.E.P. which allow us to use our own inner resources based on a perfect “body/mind” balance.
* Among my many interventions, one can quote:
- Teaching mission in Taipei (TAIWAN) (15 days)
- Internships at European Academies
- Lectures at various national and international congresses and symposiums
- Animations of pedagogical days
- Lectures at the Teaching Certificate preparation courses
- Etc...

Méthode Arban
Arban Method
Reviewed and expanded by Maurice ANDRE and Michel RICQUIER
(2nd edition French / English / German / Spanish*) - Éditions G. Billaudot - Paris
* Version espagnole éditée par RÉAL MUSICAL -MADRID

IN FRENCH: Traité méthodique de pédagogie instrumentale
Methodical treatise on instrumental pedagogy
(7th edition) Preface by Maurice ANDRE - Éditions G. Billaudot - Paris
- 1st part: the breathing technique for wind instrumentalists / the physiological mask / circular breathing or continuous exhalation / the double sound
- 2nd part: the hara / relaxation (with practical exercises) / the powers of the mind (self-hypnosis...)....etc....

IN FRENCH: L'utilisation de vos ressources intérieures dans votre activité instrumentale, artistique, sportive...
The use of your inner resources in your instrumental, artistic or sporting activity...
(2e édition)
Importance du hara et de l'énergie (avec exercices pratiques) / les tensions physiques et mentales / utilisation du mental (exercices de concentration, la visualisation) / les biorythmes ...etc.

IN FENCH: Je ne manque pas de souffle
I am not out of breath
Album in comic book form for use in applying in the 1st part the Methodical treatise on instrumental pedagogy

J'apprends la trompette
First notes on the trumpet
Method for beginners (Français/Anglais/Allemand)

La lecture musicale par l'éducation de l'oeil
Musical reading through the education of the eye
A manual inspired by modern speeding-reading techniques
(2nd edition French / English)
To decipher perfectly, you just have to learn to read in advance to have time to see all the difficulties coming. It is thus necessary to read very quickly, faster than the tempo, whatever it is.
It is necessary to be able to foresee (see before) what is going to happen in order to be able to control everything (notes, rhythms, accidental alterations, changes of measure, tempo, tone etc...). This method of music reading is original in the sense that it is inspired by the techniques used for learning to read fast. According to the experiments carried out, the complete method requires, for an average reader, only two or three hours of work. These experiments have shown that in such a short period of time, the reading speed can be doubled! This method also contains specific exercises for keyboards (vertical reading).

IN FRENCH: LE GUIDE ET LE MUSICIEN ou la vie est une école
The guide and the musician or life is a school
Initiatory novel 2nd edition - Éditions EXERGUE (Le courrier du livre - PARIS)
Is there such a thing as chance? Is there a reason for the difficult times we are going through? Does life have a meaning?
When his car breaks down, Jerome, a young professional musician, asks an old man, Adrien, for help. This encounter will be a defining moment in the lives of Jerome and his wife.
They discover the immense possibilities of the human mind, the effectiveness of suggestion, the mechanisms of hypnosis, etc. They also learn about the power of the human mind. They will learn that there is another way of looking at physiology, pathology, psychology, thanks to the reasoning of traditional Chinese medicine.
Above all, they will be led to reflect on chance, predetermination and free will, on the importance of thought and the law of action/reaction, on the existence of egregores and on the theory of morphogenic resonance. Their old friend approaches the notion of love and tolerance, makes them reflect on the meaning of life, on death: he proves to them that death is a passage, that the physical body is our vehicle throughout this earthly life and that we continue to live after its death.
In our time of change, everyone is wondering about these questions and about the different subjects dealt with in this book. This novel is a pretext to develop them through the events lived by the characters. If some of them are fictional, most of them really existed and the experiences they live or tell are all true stories.
In the enthusiasm of their search, they will get lost in the maze of one of the many sects that flourish nowadays, before coming out and learning from them.
The author wanted to decipher the mechanism of these fearsome traps of the spiritual quest, and to propose a reflection on the conditions of a free and authentic spirituality.

Histoire de souffler
Quatuor de trompettes
Enregistré sur CD "PRESTIGE DE LA TROMPETTE" par l'ensemble "JERICHO", Ensemble de trompettes du CNSM de LYON
Dir. : Pierre DUTOT - André JUNG