Archives des uncategorized - Michel Ricquier


The difference between “real” stage fright and what I call “little” stage fright

While surfing on the Internet and visiting several musicians’ forums, I noticed many times that people with stage fright problems asked for help. I appreciate people who give sincere advice and try to help, but I imagined how those people suffering from stage fright must have felt when I read the vast majority of the

The difference between “real” stage fright and what I call “little” stage fright Read More »

Man is mishandled, not so much by the difficulties as by the idea he has of them

In the series “Man is mishandled, not so much by events, as by what he thinks of events” (quote from Montaigne), I offer some thoughts on this subject. When I approach in the video-training the method that allows us to considerably improve our technique, but also and above all to master it perfectly, in any

Man is mishandled, not so much by the difficulties as by the idea he has of them Read More »

Overcoming stage fright – Managing stress: the solution is within us!

Stage fright? A panicky fear! I’ve already said it, I’ve experienced stage fright, I’ve suffered terribly from it. My stage fright was such that I was almost unable to intervene in a conversation, even sometimes in a small group, simply because there were, within this group, a few people I didn’t know. At the beginning

Overcoming stage fright – Managing stress: the solution is within us! Read More »